Sunday, 18 December 2011


Based from the entire three topic that I discussed before, we have actually a lots of HRIS model. All these models have their own function, whether to standardize the system or as a big picture on how the system that organization use is actually works.
 From the topic transnational HRIS, what I can conclude is Single Integrated System Model are considered as most advanced HRIS architectural model, and balances between the locally and centrally controlled, the organization should not be globalize all the HRIS functions, some of it better to handle it locally and some of it in between. All we have to do is make it finds the right balance.

Another HRIS model is consisting the input, HRIS database and Output System. This is actually as a big picture how the organizations that implement this model work towards a real situation. We can see how the information flow being analyze and go through screening process thus the just important information would be use to make another subsystem and report can be generated from this output process.

Recruiting and Staffing by using internet have their own pro and cons. Organization have to be analyze whether using online recruitment can be appropriate or not to apply at their place. it is true that it can reduce cost and cycle time to fill up the vacancy positions, but it can be burden to analyze a lot of applications.


HRIS Model

Too many HRIS models sometime confusing me, but now, what I want to talk about HRIS is consists of 3 components which is Input Subsystems, HRIS Database and Output Subsystem. What I can summarize up is this model is actually on how the information from the input system would be screening in HRIS Database and any important element would be taken by HRIS database as a result of the output system. Not forgetting also, the HR Self Service where the workers would use the intranet system to updating their information. For example, their current address to be contacted, when they moving.

I think the difficult aspect to understand how the HRIS model works. I have to put an effort more on imagine how actually they are functioning. In this model, any of the input can be from Human Resources Department, Accounting Department and so on. For the Employee Self Service, are actually provide an electronic means for a company’s employees to access its HR services and information as described by Isenhour I.C (2011). Let’s imagine how eLearning works for student.

After understand basically what actually about the HRIS and Self Service, I think that the aspect that surprised me when the there are still have security breaches and also, the theft. I wonder that before the organization deciding to use the Self Service, they actually have to make their internet security at the maximum level that they can get it done. There is also having a misuse for the information system by other in organization. Right now, people in our country having a problem where their identification card number being misuse from others especially in term of loan and being a guarantor.

·                                Isenhour I.C., (2011) Human Resources Information Systems (2nd ed.) Sage Publications.

Web Based HR Planning: Recruiting and Staffing

This interesting topic is actually about the recruitment process that been done by organization by using internet, for easily understanding. If we put it in term, it is E-Recruitment system which is stands for online job application and processing system for employers to advertise their job opening and for candidates to submit their application via the internet.

I learn that online recruitment is divided into three components, which are input, HRIS database and Output. In input, the organization have to make a details for the requirement that need by vacancy position, then, it would go for HRIS database where the data provided by organization being stored in the database. Once it been keep in database, we can see the output which is it appear on the recruiting subsystem, which advertise the requirement that the organization need thus will help the applicant see the information given.

In this topic, as far as I learned, I can say it is good for each of organization to conduct E-Recruitment. According to Lukaszewski K.M, Dickter D.N, Lyons B.D, and Kehoe J.F, (2011), using online recruitment can save 95% of recruitment cost other than traditional method. However, the issue is, for some of the company, online recruitment not suitable. It would generate a lot number of resumes compared to the number of vacancy. This would be burden for the management to screening all of the application.

 The aspects that cause me surprised is, psychological contract fulfillment are the important goals for the organization. Psychological contract are actually the reciprocal obligations and promises between them and their organization, but when their psychological contracts being breached, they feel dissatisfied and likely to leave the organization. Organizations have to understand those psychological contract fulfillments are actually including their work role, relationship and organization culture. It is important issues that we have to think whether this online recruitment are actually win-win situation or not for the job applicants and organization itself?

For this topic, I actually took some important things which is, firstly, what are actually the online recruiting, how the process traditional recruiting are actually not so benefit compare this new approach, and the key point that we have to consider in apply online recruiting for the organization.

·         Lukaszewski K.M., Dickter D.N., Lyons B.D., and Kehoe J.F., (2011) Human Resources Information Systems (2nd ed.) Sage Publications.


In this topic I have learned, HR Systems Architecture and Service Delivery and Model.  Basically I learn that HRIS System Architecture is divided into 3 models which is Standalone model, Data Warehouse Model and Single Integrated System Model.  It is a quite a tough topic, I guess. These entire 3 model are still closely related to the 3 different model that I have learned before which is Multinational, Global and Transnational Model. Another point that we have to take into account is how the HR Service is functioning in the model.

            In this topic, the thing that I have to put more effort to understand is absolutely in understanding a how all these 3 models that I mention earlier works, but the interesting part is when I have read from K.Beaman and A.F Walker (2000) that state in the Standalone System that apply a Multinational Model as a “many headed monster” approach. The word ‘monster’ is very attractive to remembered for me.  From this topic, some of another thing that I took away is what the example and best model to use in HR activities; either it works globally, regionally or locally.

            According K. Beaman and A.J Walker (2000) that the critical factor in deciding the tyoe of HRIS model is to adopt and understand what is actually our organization core business. Although the Single Integrated model were recognized as a model that most advanced, for me, it also important that whatever model we have choose, we have to align it with our core business.

·         K.Beaman and A.J Walker (2000) Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model