Sunday, 2 October 2011


In the HRIS, firstly, we take an overlook on how the role of Human Resources becomes wider day to day. Begin with Pre War (20th century) where the Human Resources that time recognize as a caretaker that doing only bookkeeping until Technological Era and Emergence of Strategic HRM (1990 to present) where now Human Resource role as which adding value to the organization, and can led HR Department as a strategic partner. In this era, HR Department uses a technology in helping this organization to become more competitive. This means that the existence of technology helping the HR functioning well.

In this chapter, we learn about Computer Based Information System (CIBS) in facilitating the achievement of competitive advantage of an organization. That means, the organization the using of system or application that can help the organization be effective and efficiency in their business to competing in marketplace. A system we can describe it as a set of interrelated components with a clearly defined boundary working together to achieve a common set of objectives by accepting inputs and producing output. Figure below shows the example of system looks alike that use by our government which is HRMIS (Human Resources Information System).

Figure 1
Overall, with a web and technologies today, much organization can get much benefit if they use it wisely. This system can improve timeliness to make a decision making. This means that, with helping of internet, we can get the information much faster than a conventional way. In applying the system, organization also have to consider their size of an organization, top management commitment, and ability of employee in adopting change. It is because, it not easy to change what are they are comfortable before.

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